DIRECTIVES National Payment Switch Directives 2024...Download
PUBLICATION: Procurement of Licensed Motor Vehicles:-BSL/GSD/ICB/2024/0007 ........Read more
PUBLICATION: Consultancy Services for actuarial valuation of Bank of Sierra Leone Staff Gratuity Plan- BSL/HRD/ICB/2024/0001........Read more
Procurement of Office Furniture and Equipment (Bankwide):-BSL/GSD/ICB/2024/0007........Read more
Public Notice: Request for Bid for the supply, delivery and upgrading of Bank of Sierra Leone Data Centers...Read more Primary Market Auction Calendar of Government Securities for the fourth quarter of 2024...Read more Operating rules for administrating the Bank of Sierra Leone's Agriculture Credit Facility (ACF)...Read more
Publication: Guidelines on Enterprise Risk Management for Commercial Banks...Read more Guidelines on Credit Risk Management for Commercial Banks...Read more Gazetted Bank of Sierra Leone Proforma Balance Sheet...Read more Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2023...Read more
Publication: Request for Expression of Interest- Consulting Service for the Development of an Interoperability Roadmap..……….Read more Request for Expression of Interest- Consulting Service for the hiring of a Line of Credit (LOC) Management Firm...……….Read more
Publication: Guidelines on Lending in Foreign Currency by the Commercial Banks...….Read more
Directives to Commercial Banks and Other Financial Institutions - Review of Paid-up Capital...…….Read more
Public Notice: Bank of Sierra Leone Strategic Plan 2024 Flyer...Read more
Public Notice: OFFSHORE TRADING OF FOREIGN CURRENCIES FOR THE LEONE.....Read more Additional measures to combat the unlawful trading in foreign currency....Read more
Public Notice: 1. Operating Rules for BSL Special Credit Facility II....Read more
2. Operating Rules For the Agricultural Credit Facility....Read more
3. List of Essential Commodities for BSL COVID -19 Special Facility...Read more
Publication: 1. Bank of Sierra Leone Financial Inclusion News Letter.......Read more 2. Bank of Sierra Leone Special Facility for Food and Fuel.......Read more 3. Guidelines For Invesment/Merchant Bank Operating In Sierra Leone...Read more 4.Guidelines On Money Remittance Business...…..Read more
Publication: 1. Bank of Sierra Leone Cyber Security and It Risk Management Guidelines for Commercial Banks....Read more
2. Anti-Money Laundering and Combating of the Financing Of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Risk Assessment Framework for Commercial Banks 2021...….Read more
3. Financial Consumer Protection Guidelines 2022....Read more
Public Notices: 1. Prohibition of quoting prices and making payments in foreign currency in Sierra Leone...Read more
2. Prohibition of the holding and/or export of foreign currency in excess of Ten Thousand United States Dollars or its equivalent outside the banking system...Read more
Payment Systems
An electronic system for settling financial transactions through the transfer of monetary value, and includes the institutions, instruments, people, rules, procedures, standards, and technologies that make such an exchange possible.
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Financial Inclusion Access to a transaction account is a first step toward broader financial inclusion since it allows people to store money, and send and receive payments.
Monetary Policy Rates
Monetary Policy Rate (MPR)
Standing Deposit Facility (SDF)
Standing Lending Facility (SLF)
For more information on the Monetary Policy here